“Is The Mahabharata Secret similar to the Da Vinci Code?”

I have been asked this question before It is, I guess, an inevitable comparison. I will be happy to explain why The Mahabharata Secret is different from the Da Vinci code. Have your read the book? If you have, then you will relate to my explanation. If you have not, please read the book and let me know if you agree!

There are 3 reasons why I believe The Mahabharata Secret is different from the Da Vinci Code:

  1. The Da Vinci Code is based on a religious theme (which is, naturally, controversial). The Mahabharata Secret has no religious context or theme.
  2. The theory at the heart of The Da Vinci Code is a well known and well articulated theory (especially in the book “The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail”, which Dan Brown used as the inspiration for the book, by his own admission) which Dan Brown took and wove a story around. In The Mahabharata Secret, rather than pick up an existing conspiracy theory and use it as a base, I have developed my own theories – historical, mythological and scientific – and attempted to weave them with known facts to create a believable adventure.
  3. Finally, the most compelling difference, is the strong dose of science and technology that I have incorporated into The Mahabharata Secret. There is no science in the Da Vinci Code. But in my book, I have tried to interpret our mythological heritage in the form of the Mahabharata, through the eyes of science and have used actual physics and cutting edge technology to create a theory to provide a scientific basis for the actual secret that forms the heart of The Mahabharata Secret.

I look forward to hearing your views on this after you have read the book. Please stop by my Facebook page and leave a post or a comment: www.facebook.com/authorchristophercdoyle

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