Christopher C. Doyle is an author who transports the reader into a fascinating world where ancient secrets buried in legends blend with science and history to create a gripping story.

Brought up as a boy on a steady diet of books ranging from classical literature to science fiction and fantasy, Christopher has been writing since his schooldays. Since childhood, his literary mentors have been Jules Verne, H G Wells, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein, JRR Tolkein, Robert Jordan and Terry Brooks.

Along the way to publishing his debut novel, The Mahabharata Secret, Christopher pursued a career in the corporate world after graduating from St. Stephens College, Delhi with a degree in Economics and studying business management at IIM Calcutta. Over the course of his corporate career, he has worked with leading multinational organizations as a senior executive and CEO before setting up a strategic consultancy in India in partnership with a US based consulting firm.

Over the course of his corporate career, Christopher has written articles on management and business for Indian and international publications and is also a regular invited speaker for international conventions and conferences. He is a certified Executive Coach and now works with senior executives to help them achieve success and better results in their organisations.

Work aside, Christopher is a musician and lives his passion for music through his band called Mid Life Crisis, which plays classic rock.

Christopher lives in Gurgaon with his wife Sharmila, daughter Shaynaya, and two dogs, Zach and Cody.



What does it mean to be a writer?
Chris: As someone who writes part time, since I have a day job that takes up most of my time, writing gives me the freedom to let my imagination run riot. It allows me to create a world where anything is possible.

What do you do when you are looking for inspiration, or facing a writer’s block?
Chris: Read or research. Both are invaluable.

Name one celebrity you want as your book fan!
Chris: I’ve never thought about this :-). I’ve always wanted to reach as many readers as possible – their celebrity status hasn’t really ever been that important. I think I’d be fine if no celebrities read my book. But that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be happy if a celebrity was a fan!

Your regular working/writing day?
Chris: Doesn’t exist 🙂 Every day is different in some way, given the number of things I juggle. And, as a Gemini, that’s what I love!

A quote you swear by.
Chris: A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.

What is the worst criticism you were given? And the best compliment ?
Chris: The worst: your book The Mahabharata Secret is a rip off of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. I took exception to that since my book is based on proven scientific fact whereas Dan Brown’s book is based on an unproven conspiracy theory. The best compliment: is The Mahabharata Secret a true story?

What book do you wish you could have written?
Chris: The Lord of the Rings.

Just as your books inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write?
Chris: A whole bunch. Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, George Bernard Shaw, Isaac Azimov, HG Wells, Jules Verne, JRR Tolkein and, of course, Arthur Conan Doyle.

What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Chris: keep writing. Don’t give up in the face of rejections. You will get there someday.

10. What next?
Chris: Many more books! Watch out for them!

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